Metaverse 911 Mumbai Masterclass

The immense energy at Metaverse911 for business leaders program at Grand Hyatt in Mumbai on 24th September is yet another validation of how interested is world about Metaverse and Web3.

We do this session every month to provide practical, tactical and most importantly discuss the use cases across industry. And it’s supported by some of the best Web3 & meta verse professions. My sincere thanks to speakers - Kapil Dhiman Gagan Pal singh Nagi Vikas Ahuja for sharing their journey, learning’s & way forward. Impressive content, concept & future opportunities. It was amazing listening to them.

Our participants had 100% focused conversations, questions & we connected so well. None, in my honest assessment would now be carried away by companies who can take them for a ride or manipulate them in future. Moreover, they themselves are so strong in their respective fields that they will empower their teams to discover opportunities & build true business solutions on metaverse, NFT or web3… Gratitude to them spending later part of the weekend in a board room, learning, upskilling & truly thinking of doing something new for their companies. Special mention of our group in Mumbai Arunjit Chowdhury Vignan Kumar Times Network Dr. Hitesh Bhatt Shivaram A Retail Gurukul Aviroop Banik Brenntag Alok Sharman Nivedita Bhat Rishi Desai Priyen Sangoi Abhijit Mishra bhavin jakhia Bhavana Jakhia Bhavesh jakhia Saloni Jakhia from OM Jewellers. Looking forward to your presence in our next session Jasmine Gorimar Mahindra Group Vaibhav sheth

Immense support from Kapil Mehrotra Vijay Sethi for his recommendation to CIOs in Reefit group. Truly appreciate your support.

#opportunities #energy #retail #leaders huge support of Etherea co-working Manu Agarwal Nitin Gupta

Rrahul Sethi
Metaverse 911 Mumbai Masterclass
5 min read