Bharat Web3 Association

Pleasure to attend the Bharat Web3 Association: Visioning Workshop, hosted by the visionary Dilip Chenoy 🙏

Initiatives like these play a crucial role in fostering a sense of unity within the community and facilitating enriching conversations that drive progress.

As the Web3.0 industry grows, collaboration and dialogue are more important now than ever….

Events like the Visioning Workshop provide a platform where individuals from diverse backgrounds can come together, share insights, and explore innovative ideas.

The workshop witnessed firsthand how bringing together minds from various sectors fuels creativity and encourages out-of-the-box thinking. Each participant brought a unique perspective to the table, sparking discussions. Tagging a few bright minds - Vinod Kumar, Sachin Kumar, Anuj Kumar Garg, Himanshu Garg 🚀

A pleasure to attend the workshop with Rohit Verma leading the Metaverse Experience Center initiative.

Kudos to Bharat Web3 Association for their commitment to fostering community engagement and meaningful dialogue.

Let's continue to support and champion initiatives like these that unite us and drive positive change.

Rrahul Sethi
Bharat Web3 Association
5 min read