Virtual Reality Mastery

The future of virtual reality is at its zenith. We discover delight and satisfaction in VR while cooped up in our homes. Though some people continue to believe that virtual reality isolates the user. No longer! Virtual reality may have the next major social influence in our lifetimes.

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Course Objectives

The future of virtual reality is at its zenith. We discover delight and satisfaction in VR while cooped up in our homes. Though some people continue to believe that virtual reality isolates the user. No longer! Virtual reality may have the next major social influence in our lifetimes. We can interact with individuals in virtual worlds and converse using technologies that do not exist in the actual world thanks to multiplayer implementation. We create a Multiplayer VR project from scratch in this course. The Virtual Reality solution is built with Unity's XR Interaction Toolkit. Furthermore, the execution of multiplayer uses the Photon- PUN 2 component.

Key Takeaways

• Using Unity's new XR Interaction Toolkit to set up a Unity project for Oculus Quest 4

• Implementation of VR Keyboard

• linking servers using the player's name

• Taking part in virtual rooms• Avatar Choosing Method

• VR synchronization for full multiplayer (Head, Hands, Body)

• Multiplayer Teleportation and Joystick VR Movement Synchronization

• VR voice chat• Connected grabbing

• Editor Scripting for Single-Headset Multiplayer Test

What you'll learn

Metaverse911 Course key points
Create VR Experiences
Metaverse911 Course key points
Unity and WEB based VR
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Deploying VR Apps on Oculus

Course Includes

One on One Metaverse Training
Instructor led
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Metaverse Community
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Metaverse Training in Noida
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Metaverse Training Certificate
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Who Should Attend?

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Artists and designers
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Researchers and academics
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VR Game Developers
Metaverse911 Course key points
Educators and trainers
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Chief Technology Officers
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Metaverse Enthusiast

Training Overview

1. Understanding Extended Reality and Virtual Reality (VR)

▶️️ What is Virtual Reality & Extended Reality
▶️️ VR forms and Methods
▶️️ Technology & Applications of VR
▶️️ Types on VR

2. Interaction in VR

▶️️ Interaction in VR

▶️️ Game Programming Methodologie

▶️️ Case studies from different industries

▶️️ Game Designo Visual Interaction in VR

▶️️ User Interface in VR

▶️️ Objects interaction and Navigation in VR

▶️️ Usage of media: Audio, Video in VR

▶️️ Video game development

▶️️ Documents for game design

3. VR application development

▶️️ Understanding the VR game development life cycles

▶️️ Game development life cycle

▶️️ Storyboarding

▶️️ Class A diagram

▶️ Development of game mechanics

▶️️ Cross-platform interaction programming

▶️️ Testing and debugging

▶️️ Aids monitoring

▶️️ Deployment tools

4. Creating the project and importing game assets

▶️️ Introduction to Section and about Unity version

▶️️ Installing Unity

▶️️ Creating the Project and Importing Game Assets

▶️️ Importing Unity XR Interaction Toolkit and Configuring Project For Oculus Quest2

▶️️ XR Rig Setup

▶️️ Installing apk into Quest/2

▶️️ Testing with Unity Editor via Oculus Link/SteamVR Setup and OpenXR

▶️️ Testing VR in Unity Editor without a Powerful PC

5. VR development basics

▶️️ VR Avatar Implementation

▶️️ Continuous Moving & Continuous Turn & Character Controller

▶️️ Teleportation

▶️️ Grabbing in VR

▶️️ UI Interactions in VR

6. Multiplayer VR Basics

▶️️ Importing Photon Unity Networking 2 (PUN 2)

▶️️ Connecting to Photon Servers

▶️️ Login UIo VR Keyboard Implementation and Connecting with Playername

▶️️ Loading Home Scene and Intro to Photon Rooms

▶️️ Joining Random Rooms

▶️️ Editor Testing for Multiplayer: Editor Scripting in Unity

▶️️ Creating Virtual Rooms Based On Map Selection

▶️️ Joining Virtual Rooms Based on Map Selection

▶️️ Loading and Synchronizing Scenes Based on Map Selection

▶️️ Listing Player Counts on Virtual Worlds

▶️️ Spawning VR Players Inside Virtual Room

▶️️ Networked VR Player Setup

▶️️ Fixing Bugs and Leaving Virtual Rooms

7. Multiplayer VR synchronization across the network

▶️️ Photon Synchronization Basics

▶️️ Multiplayer VR Synchronization Script

▶️️ Networked Grabbing Part 1: Introo Networked Grabbing Part 2: Ownership Transfer

▶️️ Networked Grabbing Part 3: Remote Procedure Calls- RPCs

8. Avatar Selection

▶️️ Local Avatar Selection System

▶️️ Remote Avatar Selection System: Custom Player Properties for Avatar Model Synch

9. Voice chat Implementation

▶️️ Into and Importing Photon Voice 2 into the project

▶️️ Setup Voice Chat

▶️️ Setup UI for Voice Chat

10. Project Completion

▶️️ Discussion and sharing of source code

Professionals Attending our Training Programs

This course has been attended by Business owners, Metaverse Enthusiasts, Big Brand Employees and Companies.
Professionals Attending our Training Programs

Training program by


Registered a Patent on “Computer-implemented method and system to provide a nondeterministic framework to determine a patrolling path.

14 Research papers are published in national and international journalsat the undergraduate level.

Have been interviewed by Times of India and Hindustan times and 6 more newspapers for research works.

Languages: Java, VB.Net, Python, PHP, C, C++, C#

Processing Frameworks/API: MapReduce

Analysis Frameworks: DB2

Web Framework: React

Others: Unity, Devops, Docker, Lob Security, Desktop Application Development,Mobile Application Development, Automation.

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Manu Agarwal

Chief Strategy Officer -Metalty venture
Reet Community

Ashank Mittal

Founder -REET Community
Schneider Electrics

Sabih Kidwai

Director Learning Solutions- Schneider
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