3D Anamorphic Billboard for Recruitment

Groove Jones uses 3D anamorphic billboard to display a 30-second video ad for AT&T recruitment campaign

HR/ Talent Acquisition

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Key takeaways

This is some text inside of a div block.

Groove Jones partnered with AT&T to create a visually stunning 30-second video ad for AT&T's recruitment campaign, showcased on the Discovery District Media Wall in Dallas, Texas. This collaboration aimed to position AT&T as a top employer by leveraging anamorphic video techniques on a digital billboard, creating a captivating 3D visual effect. Groove Jones took charge of producing 3D CGI assets, animation, visual effects, and editorial services to ensure the ad aligned perfectly with AT&T’s branding.

Recruitment Billboard

The ad featured AT&T personnel representing various professions, each accompanied by captions like “Join,” “Lead,” “Inspire,” and “Connect,” ultimately concluding with the message “Connecting Changes Everything.” A key element of the ad was a prominently displayed QR code, allowing viewers to scan and easily apply for jobs at AT&T, emphasizing the diverse range of opportunities available.

The Groove Jones team utilized Apple Vision Pro during the design phase to achieve the desired effect, ensuring that the anamorphic effect would translate effectively to the digital billboard. This approach allowed them to test and demonstrate the ad’s impact within their studio. It provided a virtual simulation of the Discovery District Media Wall and enabled them to refine the ad for maximum visual impact.

Recruitment Billboard

Overall, this collaboration resulted in a visually engaging and technologically innovative ad that successfully showcased AT&T as an attractive employer, demonstrating the power of creative advertising in recruitment campaigns

Rrahul Sethi
May 13, 2024
5 min read