CaptureProof App for Remote Medical Care

VironIt developed CaptureProof app for remote medical consultations and monitoring

Medical & Pharma

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VironIt extended the development team by adding four highly skilled iOS developers to help build an iPhone/iPad application. The challenge involved creating a medical app that allows patients to ask doctors questions and share photos/videos of their issues. CaptureProof Smart Medical Camera app, a social medical platform, enables patients to see doctors online and receive useful advice while helping doctors compare healing stages and improve their practice. CaptureProof is scientifically proven to deliver 80% more accurate triage, 2.75% fewer in-person follow-ups, and reduced ER visits.

The app monitors patients, visualizes changes in their condition, and triages them. It features a Media Rx block for patient messages and allows doctors to consult with colleagues for better treatment. It integrates with electronic health records (EHRS) for quick patient information access. Patient progress is tracked through three stages: Share, Compare, and Decide. Patients capture images or videos of their conditions, adjust the media using an inbuilt editor, and doctors review and respond, enhancing their practice through visual comparison.

Rrahul Sethi
May 30, 2024
5 min read