DaVita's VR Training: Seeing Through Customers' Eyes

DaVita used VR to train 65,000 staff on customer perspective

Training/ Education

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The challenge faced by DaVita, a Fortune 200 healthcare leader, was to train its 65,000 team members to view the world from the customer's perspective. To address this, Gronstedt Group developed and launched a unique virtual reality (VR) experience. At DaVita's annual "Villagewide" meeting, over 4,000 visitors lined up to use the HTC Vive headset and hand controllers to explore a 3D virtual dialysis clinic.

The first level of the VR experience was a "treasure hunt" game where users identified and resolved about 20 issues related to cleanliness and equipment malfunction. In the second level, users engaged in soft skills scenarios, interacting with virtual patients and co-workers through multiple-choice decision menus. Colleagues were entertained by the engaged reactions of those in the VR environment, who reported losing track of time due to the immersive experience. This level of engagement, described as being "like getting lost in another world," is a common reaction to VR technology. Gronstedt Group also developed a desktop version of the simulation for DaVita's 75,000 team members, allowing them to navigate the 3D clinic using a standard PC monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

Rrahul Sethi
May 21, 2024
5 min read