Seamless VR Training at Boston Children’s Hospital

Boston Children’s Hospital utilizes VR for providing efficient training to students

Training/ Education

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Key takeaways

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VR proves to be a cost-effective solution for training, especially when compared to traditional manikin simulations. This affordability allows for increased training time, which is often limited by the high costs associated with manikin SIMs. Additionally, UbiSim streamlines the deployment process, alleviating the typical complexities associated with VR implementation. Unlike other VR platforms, UbiSim significantly reduces setup time, enabling quick scenario creation and deployment. This efficiency ensures that training sessions can be conducted promptly and effectively.

Moreover, VR seamlessly integrates with other simulation modalities, enhancing the overall learning experience. For instance, trainees can first engage in simulations using manikins before transitioning to VR simulations offered by UbiSim. This integration allows for a complementary approach to training, leveraging the unique capabilities of VR, such as patient color changes and interactive features, which are not possible with traditional simulations alone.

The positive feedback from nurse trainees underscores the effectiveness of VR in training. The novelty factor of VR significantly enhances engagement and excitement among trainees, resulting in heightened attention and retention of information. This enthusiastic response from trainees emphasizes the potential of VR to revolutionize training methodologies in healthcare settings.

Furthermore, UbiSim's flexibility allows for customizable scenarios tailored to specific training needs. The platform's scenario editing capabilities enable educators to adapt training content according to their exact requirements. This customization ensures that training sessions are relevant and effective, catering to the unique learning objectives of each training session.

Rrahul Sethi
June 4, 2024
5 min read