VR Platform for AI-Driven Employee Assessment

VR platform for objective employee assessment using AI and biometric data

HR/ Talent Acquisition

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The VR employee assessment instrument has been developed as a versatile virtual platform that integrates the latest and emerging technologies to assist HR managers in making key hiring decisions and monitoring employee well-being. The platform incorporates multiplayer capabilities, AI and ANN, biometric bracelets, VR with eye-tracking, advanced motion tracking, and scientific 3D scenarios.

The project originated from a request by an HR agency seeking a more effective solution for employee assessment and evaluation. Market research revealed a lack of products offering precise and objective data-driven assessments of employee psychological behavior. To address this gap, collaboration took place with scientists from Europe and the United States.


The platform addresses various needs, starting with science. The aim is to recognize genuine psychological behavior by creating scientifically validated VR scenarios based on specific employee behavioral competencies. Technologically, the integration of the latest AI and biometric data technologies with VR equipment ensures compatibility across all virtual reality platforms.

The core innovation of this product lies in its ability to objectively assess employee psychological well-being and the competence of potential hires for specific roles. This innovation operates on two levels: scientific and technological. Scientists, in collaboration with partner universities, focus on meeting market needs through rigorous research, while engineers work on achieving technological breakthroughs to incorporate these advanced technologies into a single software solution.

By merging scientific research with cutting-edge technology, the VR employee assessment instrument offers a groundbreaking approach to employee evaluation, ensuring accurate, objective, and comprehensive assessments for HR professionals.

Rrahul Sethi
May 29, 2024
5 min read